Pictured above: Olive loaf, in the back, was cooked on a baking pan, and the Rosemary truffle was cooked in a dutch oven. Note the difference in texture. Both taste fabulous, but for a more artisan-bread look, it’s a good idea to invest in a Dutch oven.
Get ready for some homemade bread that’s so good, your mouth waters just thinking about it! This no-knead Dutch oven bread recipe is about to become your next BFF. It’s really one of the easiest recipes you will ever make and, once you realize just how easy it is, you will never pay for an artisan loaf from the grocery store again. You just need 4 ingredients to make this bread, and you most likely have all of them in your cupboard right now.
This recipe couldn’t be simpler to prepare: As in, you stir a few ingredients together, let them sit overnight, and you bake a loaf of bread the next morning. That’s it!
Once you get the basic recipe down, let your creativity come alive by adding your favorite herbs and flavors. The options are endless. Some of our personal favorites include Herb’s de province, Olive, Rosemary-truffle, and jalapeno cheddar (vegan, of course).
Get the jalapeno Cheddar recipe here jalapeno-Cheddar-loaf

Dutch oven no-knead bread
- 3 cups (heaping) all-purpose flour, plus extra for shaping * I prefer un-bleached but bleached is fine
- 1 1/2 tsp salt * I prefer Kosher
- 1 tsp active dry yeast
- 2 cups lukewarm water
- MIX. In a large bowl, whisk flour, salt, and yeast until well mixed. Pour in warm water and use the handle of a wooden spoon to stir until a shaggy dough forms. The mixture will be wet and very sticky to the touch. *Do not over mix.
- RISE. Cover bowl tightly with plastic wrap and set aside on countertop for 8 to 18 hours until dough rises, bubbles, and flattens on top. When the dough has fully risen, it will have doubled in size and be bubbly on top.
- PREP. Prep your dutch oven. Heat oven to 450 degrees F. Once the oven is preheated, place a 6-quart Dutch oven (with cover) in the oven for 45 minutes before baking.
- DOUGH. Generously flour a clean surface (I use a chopping block) and transfer the dough mixture to it, with floured hands, quickly shape the dough into a ball. Careful to not overwork the dough. Then lightly sprinkle the top of the dough ball with flour. Set aside while Dutch oven is heating.
- BAKE. Remove Dutch oven from oven and carefully transfer the dough into it. (if the bottom of the Dutch oven isn't coated with enamel, place parchment paper beneath the mixture). Cover Dutch oven and return to oven. Bake bread 45 minutes covered, then another 10 minutes uncovered until dough is baked through and golden brown on top. Note: Because oven temperatures vary poke a toothpick into bread, if it comes out clean the bread is done. If it doesn't come out clean, then cook bread for another 5-10 minutes.
- SERVE. Let cool slightly. Then slice using a bread knife and smear your favorite spread on top. ENJOY!
No Dutch Oven? No Problem.
While baking the bread in a dutch oven is key to this bread’s texture, you can still make delicious bread using what you do have. Instead, place the rounded dough on a parchment paper-lined or generously floured baking pan. Preheat the oven and bake following the Dutch oven directions provided. The only difference is you will not have a lid, and the bread won't be as crispy cooked this way. Want is crispier? After the oven is preheated, place a shallow metal or cast iron baking pan or skillet on the bottom oven rack. Carefully and quickly pour 3-4 cups of boiling water into it. Place the dough/baking pan on a higher rack and promptly shut the oven, trapping the steam inside, and then bake per regular instructions. The steam helps create a crispier crust.My favorite yeast brand: Click on photos to go to Amazon
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